- Created a sample level for the game with mechanics same as that of Zuma.
- This prototype project is a very good learning experience to understand tween and beizer curves.
- Got a chance to work with spline paths and tweening mechanics. Implenting array like datastructure and tracking the sections was a bit challenging part in this.
2D Grid movement(prototype)
- Worked on a pacman like game in Unity3D.
- Implented node based movement. Additionally touch based controlled are added with android support.
- Checkout the release section in the github repo to test it.
- A 2d platformer created using Unity3D.
- This project gave a good overview of necessary knowledge one should know to create a 2d game.
- Concepts like tile maps, colliders, animation, animator(state machine) , ray casting, camera bounds etc. Also a good understanding of how a simple AI in a typical 2d platformer works. Added touch controls to make it playable on mobile.
3D Topdown Shooter in Unity3D
- A zombie survival top down shooter game i created to understand the 3D concepts of Unity3D.
- Usage of Mechanim system to setup the animation transitions for user inputs.
- A state machine for NPC. StateBehaviour scripts for zombie NPC were implement for actions such as wander, chase and attack.
- NavMesh to create traversal space for the NPCS.
- Setup NavMeshAgent for NPC and access it via script to handle its movement based on its state.
- Usage of Animation Events to execute required code.
Zombie Game - C++/OpenGL/SDL2
- Adapted and maintained a existing C++/OpenGL/SDL2 based project to learn the Game programming concepts at low level.
- Experience with the State Machine nature of OpenGL.
- Understand the render pipeline at the low level.
- Configured CMake to target the Linux platform.